Kali Muscle’s Hyphy Mud: Is It A Legit Pre-Workout?

A great actor and bodybuilder named Kali Muscle has been gaining popularity online and on TV. I decided to review Hyphy Mud, a pre-workout made popular by Kali that prisoners use. The idea is to have a great pre-workout using only what is available in prison.

What does Hyphy Mud stand for?

Hyphy is a term that came from California which basically means “hyperactive.” Some call it crunk, geeked, etc.

Mud stands for “Makes U Dangerous.” If I have to spell it out anymore, you shouldn’t be drinking this.

What is in it?

There isn’t many ingredients in this which makes it cheap and easy to make, especially in prison.

  • 1 – 3 tablespoons instant coffee
  • A bit of dark soda of your choice

Put enough soda in to let it mix enough, or to help with flavoring.

[youtube id=”HRovpd524XA” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Does it work?

Here’s the million dollar question; Does it work? The short answer is yes. Hyphy mud works because of the sugar and caffeine in it. Coffee has long been used as a pre-workout because it is a natural ingredient and gives you quite a bit of energy.

Hyphy mud doesn’t taste the best, and if you dislike coffee, you’re going to have to slam this like a shot of cheap tequila. It is effective and kicks in relatively fast, no need to wait 30-45 minutes before hitting the gym.

Some people experience a crash afterward, which may be from a high dose of caffeine and sugar, but the energy and thermogenic power this concoction has is great and can really give you a boost in the gym.

I would not recommend using this mixture for every day events; if you get the morning doody from coffee you could have some issues with this so buyer beware. Overall I would say for the minimal investment it is worth trying at least once just so you can say you have.


Let us know what you think about this pre-workout below in the comments!

80 thoughts on “Kali Muscle’s Hyphy Mud: Is It A Legit Pre-Workout?”

  1. I’m 30 years old and over the last six months for the first time in my life I’ve been hitting the gym regularly . A month in I started using the pre workout formulas and some worked better than others . I tried Hyphy MuD for the first time yesterday and I gotta say I was amped out my fn mind hahah like crazy amped up . I killed my work out routine and a tilt hit a couple my exercises simply because I still had the energy and didnt want to waste an opportunity … It does taste awfull but it isn’t repulsive so I say to anyone trying to save a buck I highly recommend Hyphy MUD !

    1. Thanks for the review!

      It is economical and seems like it’s worth the money. Some of these proprietary blends I see in these pre workout formulas have me wondering if it’s worth the money or better than good ol caffeine.


  2. Was sat at work on my lunch and reading his page and stumbled across this. I have a bag with coffee, tea, kettle etc and in the morning brought a 6 pack of Pepsi because it was on offer. Weird coincidence I know. So after reading it I thought stuff it I’ll try some. Then I knew what mud meant. Downed that bitch and holy shit I was buzzing around like a headless chicken. Used it in the gym aswell but had to break half way through because i needed a shit. Overall… Good stuff

    1. Haha nice. That stuff is great outside of the gym too. I’ve been known to use a now banned pre-workout for finals in college. Worked wonders.

  3. Could i still drink a post workout protein shake if i drink the hyphy mud drink before my workout? I usually would have a pre and post protein shake.

    1. Just like you would a regular pre-workout, it’s a little more natural so it won’t make you stim tolerant quite as fast. Smash protein all day.


  4. What the F seriously i tried today and it works even better than any other pre workout products!! it only took like 15 mins to kick in and im doing backflips now :D

  5. I have just tried this for the first time today it’s not the greatest tasting drink but damn it works about 15 minutes after I drank it I needed the toilet but other than that I feel like I could run a marathon….love it

    1. Try different flavors of coffee like a french vanilla with cola and it will taste more like vanilla coke.

      Experiment and see what you like better.

      Let me know if you find something you like! Hyphy Mud 2 is coming out soon.


    2. I think I’m going to try it with instant tea instead of coffee see if that tastes any better I know they have a similar amount of caffeine so maybe it will work I’ll let you know.

  6. I tried this today for the first Time and after chugging it I dry heaved for about a half hour then the vomit started to flow and lasted all day

    1. Really? I’m sorry to hear that man. Do you think it was from chugging it, or do you not like coffee or just not for you?

      I’m interested in hearing, I haven’t heard of anyone have that problem yet.


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