Kali Muscle’s Hyphy Mud: Is It A Legit Pre-Workout?

A great actor and bodybuilder named Kali Muscle has been gaining popularity online and on TV. I decided to review Hyphy Mud, a pre-workout made popular by Kali that prisoners use. The idea is to have a great pre-workout using only what is available in prison.

What does Hyphy Mud stand for?

Hyphy is a term that came from California which basically means “hyperactive.” Some call it crunk, geeked, etc.

Mud stands for “Makes U Dangerous.” If I have to spell it out anymore, you shouldn’t be drinking this.

What is in it?

There isn’t many ingredients in this which makes it cheap and easy to make, especially in prison.

  • 1 – 3 tablespoons instant coffee
  • A bit of dark soda of your choice

Put enough soda in to let it mix enough, or to help with flavoring.

[youtube id=”HRovpd524XA” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Does it work?

Here’s the million dollar question; Does it work? The short answer is yes. Hyphy mud works because of the sugar and caffeine in it. Coffee has long been used as a pre-workout because it is a natural ingredient and gives you quite a bit of energy.

Hyphy mud doesn’t taste the best, and if you dislike coffee, you’re going to have to slam this like a shot of cheap tequila. It is effective and kicks in relatively fast, no need to wait 30-45 minutes before hitting the gym.

Some people experience a crash afterward, which may be from a high dose of caffeine and sugar, but the energy and thermogenic power this concoction has is great and can really give you a boost in the gym.

I would not recommend using this mixture for every day events; if you get the morning doody from coffee you could have some issues with this so buyer beware. Overall I would say for the minimal investment it is worth trying at least once just so you can say you have.


Let us know what you think about this pre-workout below in the comments!

80 thoughts on “Kali Muscle’s Hyphy Mud: Is It A Legit Pre-Workout?”

  1. I have tried it and it works for me. I have started replacing the soft drink with sweet tea, though. Makes a noticeable difference in the gym. Like you said, it kicks in fast. I have to drink it and haul butt to the gym to try and get through my warmups as fast as possible. (gym is about a half mile away) I have debated mixing it and taking it with me or making a larger one and drinking half before and half during my workout.

    1. Glad to hear another review of it. I think it would help if you drink it when you walk in the gym so after you get into your warmups, you’ll start to feel it. I’m somewhat stimulant tolerant from all of the abuse I’ve put my nervous system through, but coffee does help.

    1. A dark cola, I don’t know what brands are there but brands like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. I can do more digging around to see if I can get a better description for you.


    1. No side effects like you would have from taking a drug. Maybe a sugar rush and then crash with a headache. If you’ve taken it and like it, keep going :)


  2. Truth about Hypy Mud:
    I tried this and I can say that it does work, but it has some drawbacks. I drank it right before going in the gym and I had a pretty heavy does because I am a coffee drinker…..and 10 minutes into jogging on the treadmill, I felt it kick in. Gave me a boost to do more reps and I worked out much longer than without it. …..its just like your really amped up.

    Cons: The taste…..oh my goodness… it is horrible….and I am a coffee drinker. Maybe it is the instant coffee taste I cannot get past but it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth. Depending on your body…get ready for instant coffee stew when using the bathroom.

    Like I said I had a pretty heavy dose….like 3-4 tablespoons so that may have been the coffee stew reason, however smaller doses have resulted in the same issue.

  3. I’ve taken it multiple times. When I drink it have to wait 15-20 minutes before I workout because it gives me the runs on the toilet. After that I’m good to go. Awesome pump.

    1. Haha yeah. Same happens with me and with other preworkouts too.

      I usually take them at home, head to the gym and dump before I workout. It sucks.


    1. Yeah, I tried it out. He does different set/rep variations keeping his reps above 20 on multiple exercises per bodypart to get to 500, but I just started with my 50-65 rep max and kept plugging away at one exercise per bodypart to get 500 reps. Back took around 15 sets; shoulders 11, thighs closer to 20, and for back and thighs, I had to drop 10 pounds about halfway through to keep my reps over 20.

      I was real sore afterwards, for days. I haven’t felt that sore since I did machine burnouts way back in the early 90’s. It left me too sore to do it again the next week.

      I’m no stranger to super high reps, but that much total rep volume is a little beyond my conditioning level. Right now, I’m doing a 5×50 bodypart split, and that’s more than ample volume. I can’t see myself doing 10×50 until I’ve put a couple more inches on my arms.

      That said, reps over 20 work better than any lower rep protocol I’ve tried. I spent 2 decades spinning my wheels doing conventional 5-10 rep, 8-12 rep and 5×5 programs, but I started working in the 25-100 rep range a few years ago, and my muscles grew like weeds. I eat less than maintenance calories, but I still managed to gain 40 pounds the first 3 years. I’ve gained an additional 10 pounds this year over that. That’s about the same rate of growth as what Kali experienced after he got out of prison, so I know he didn’t need drugs to accomplish it.

      There’s other big guys that talk about doing super high reps; some on juice, some not. It works about the same for everyone who does it: major gains for as long as you keep adjusting the volume to match your conditioning. I started with 1 set of 25-50 or 50-100 reps per bodypart whole body 3x a week; I just started doing the 5×50 bodypart split this year. It’s tough at first, especially on squat day, but it becomes addictive after the first week. My progression pattern will be 5×50, then 5×75, then 5×100 each time my gains stall, then move up to 10×50 when I don’t get any more gains with 5×100.

      I highly recommend it for anyone on a size plateau. You just have to be careful with the volume, or you end up overtraining and lose muscle. Think total reps per week, not total sets.

  4. I havent tried this supplement but am will to give it a shot. where can I purchase this? aslo, does this help one shred fat? i wanna loose 10 pounds of fat but gain 15-20 pounds of muscle.. so i guess my question is, would this be right for me?

    1. This is just going to give you energy in the gym. There will be some thermogenic effect from the caffeine, but it is mostly to help get you through tough workouts. So yes this can help you lose body fat but it’s not going to just make it fall off. A sound diet and hard training will get you your goals. You can get instant coffee and cola pretty much anywhere, I think even small drug stores to grocery stores and Walmart all carry it.


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