4 Day Gym Workout Routine for Men

Here is a 4 day routine that utilizes a 5×5 scheme for the compound movements and a higher 8-12 reps for accessory movements. In order for you to get the best results with this program, be consistent and always strive for progression. Check out below what rep goal means.

Goal Of This Workout

This routine is designed to maximize your results by utilizing big compound lifts and supplementing with a good variety of accessory lifts.

This routine is designed for anyone who is looking to build strength and muscle.

It is recommended that you are comfortable with your form in the big compound lifts and you have are able to consistently train if you are to make the most of this routine.

Diet and Nutrition Tips

You can beat your muscles down in the gym but the only way to recover (build) muscle is to fuel your body with quality food.

I try to stick to an 80/20 rule when I look at nutrition. This means that 80% of my meals are prepared by me and I make sure to get the best quality food that I can.

No, this doesn’t mean you have to get natural grass fed free roaming cows who get massages every day and free range chickens who get to walk the beaches to benefit from eating whole foods.

Learn to Cook

Cooking isn’t as hard as you may think. I never was allowed in the kitchen as a child so trust me when I say anyone can do this with some patience. The trick is learning technique and then going after the complex meals.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know how to cook 5 course gourmet meals, but I have no problem eating enough varieties of a protein and vegetable to keep me happy. I made a pretty good meatloaf and lasagna once.

Long story short here is the sooner you learn to cook, the sooner you will notice changes in your performance and physique.

Recommended Supplements

Note: If you cannot get good foods into your mouth, this section is irrelevant. You really can’t out train and out supplement a crap diet.


MTS Nutrition Clash

I personally like apple mango, but all flavors are good.

This is a great blend without too many stimulants.


MTS Machine Whey Protein: 5lbs

This is in my opinion the best tasting protein on the market. Period.

Great blend with no secrets, no amino spiking, and it is some of the best in the industry.

So far I’ve had Red Velvet and Cookies and Cream. Both are A+.


MTS Nutrition Machine Fuel

Marc Lobliner has his sweetening on point with these supplements.

I’ve used mixed berry and grape and I love them both.


Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men

Once you get your diet on point, taking a multi-vitamin is important as a strength athlete.

Get the most of your gains and life with this multi-vitamin.

Cardio and Conditioning Tips

I would recommend doing a short 20-30 minute cardio session post workout at least twice a week for optimum muscle growth and recovery.

If you are running low on time, a short 5-10 minute high intensity interval session at least twice per week will help with maximizing your progress.

Note: Some low intensity walking, hiking, bicycling, etc is helpful to improve your quality of life and recovery from your workouts.

Workout Schedule

Here is a sample schedule:

  • Day 1 – Workout A
  • Day 2 – Workout B
  • Day 3 – Off
  • Day 4 – Off
  • Day 5 – Workout C
  • Day 6 – Workout D
  • Day 7 – Off

The benefit to starting on a Monday is while everyone is benching and hogging the dumbbells, you are squatting and doing legs and not have to wait for any equipment. This is convenient so you can go in with your prepared session and smash it out.

4 Day Gym Workout Routine for Men

Workout A
ExerciseSetsRep Goal
Leg Press336
Front Squat*324
Standing Bent Over Laterals336


Workout B
ExerciseSetsRep Goal
Bench Press525
Incline Chest Flies324
Skull Crushers336
1 Arm Tricep Extensions336
Standing Bent Over Laterals336


Workout C
ExerciseSetsRep Goal
Bent Over Barbell Rows525
Pull Ups324
Standing Bent Over Laterals336


Workout D
ExerciseSetsRep Goal
Military Press525
Dumbbell Shrugs315
Lateral Raises336
Standing Bent Over Laterals336


Workout Tips

Rep Goal – This is the total reps you have to complete in the given sets. For instance a 3 set 36 rep goal would basically be 3 sets of 12.

*- Front squats can be impossible for someone with bad posture such as myself.  If you cannot do front squats, use a hack squat machine; most gyms have one labeled a hack squat machine or a V Squat. If you can’t do either of these, leg extensions will work as well.

** – Planks aren’t the same rep goal scheme as other lifts. When you are supposed to do planks, do 3 sets of 1 rep and record your results for each set. The goal to beat for next time is to beat the combined time of those 3 planks. Keep the rest short; 60 seconds and really squeeze the abs and back and keep that core tight.

You might have noticed bent over lateral raises on every day; most people have underdeveloped rear delts and this is a great exercise that will hit multiple muscles which include rear delts, lats, and traps. I recommend these over a reverse pec deck because most people do not use the machine correctly.

If you have been spending time developing rear delts or are a wuss and want to do pec deck, then disregard the last few sentences.


Leave your comments, questions, or results below! I answer them all.

245 thoughts on “4 Day Gym Workout Routine for Men”

  1. Well, I got back at it yesterday after a full week off, just eating and relaxing. I felt pretty good after yesterday. I’m still sore and tired, but the good kind. I think my body had had enough and needed a break. I’m still apprehensive about hitting the bench this weekend, but I read your article on how to build a bigger bench and I am convinced that I have been doing some things wrong, and that I have been doing them wrong for a while. My plan is to start over. I am going to drop the weight down and focus on form and technique. I am going to make sure that I do everything the same (and correctly) on every rep. I’m not going to focus on the weight. Too often I get wrapped up in what the guys around me are doing and that puts me in the wrong frame of mind. I need to remember that my session is about me and making myself stronger, not the other guy. If you have any suggestions, I am always open to them.



    1. I’m glad you feel refreshed after some time off. The tips work and I think if you drop the weight and work on form for a while it will help. Try to do a 1 second pause on your chest staying tight then pressing.. I’ve been using it lately and I feel it’s helping.

      People around me always try to one up me which when I’m doing 60% work I look like a punk but I just ignore it.. It still bothers me but I know my body can’t perform at 100% max weight all of the time so I just save it. Just see what helps you stay focused on your sessions, I try to ignore everyone if I can.


  2. Cutty, What are your thoughts on vita-paks such as GNC’s Ripped Vita Pak? im looking for a little push in the the fat loss department .

    1. They are okay but for the money I’d rather see someone buy more fresh foods and eat that. Instead of going out and eating a number 5 at burger king, make a big baked potato, a couple chicken breasts and some other veggie you like and you’ll have half the calories and a lot more filling. Little stuff like that help.


    2. I couldn’t agree more. I do all of the cooking in the house. We stay away from processed foods and value meals. I even grow all of my own vegetables in the spring and summer. Lowfat, high protein, something green at every meal. I think the kids are getting sick of chicken breasts and pork roast, but grilling season is upon us. I was just looking a multivitamin pak that would supplement my diet with optimum results.

    3. Multivitamins don’t hurt to have, if you can afford them go for it. Some people try to take vitamins hoping it will offset the taco bell they eat every day and it doesn’t work like that (trust me I’ve tried haha).

      I would love to have a garden of my own, I’m jealous.


  3. Hey…I am a researcher….my daily routine is like sitting for probably 8-10 hours with slow walks here and there….I am 5′ 10″ and have 85 Kgs weight….I am skipping one meal to reduce the weight but it isnt really working….I want to start the workout however, dont know where to start…I would love to lose about 10 Kgs at least and want to tone up my body by having some nice cuts not like muscle building but a nice slim cuts. Please recommend me some routine and daily routine should be for 1 hour maximum. Please suggest.

    1. Any workout will help bud, cut down on some carbs and fat, try to get a bit more exercise in during the day (think: move around) and follow a short routine in the gym. It can be hard to find time during the day to help get you in shape but you need to make the time and it would help. If you do 10 minutes a day 6 times through the day you have exercised an hour if that helps put it in perspective.

      Any other questions, let me know.


  4. Cutty, i Noticed that my shoulder strength is lacking in comparison to the rest of my body, you can also visibly notice it i have been doing your program for a month now already seeing amazing progress in my overall strength the routine is perfect for my work schedule. I was wondering if there is something i should do to help my shoulders “catch up” you could say or if i should just stick to the program and it will all work out,

    Thanks for the tips,


    1. Schall,

      Glad to hear things are progressing well! Change the military press from 5×5 to 4 sets of 12. Also on shoulder day add in another shoulder press machine at the end of your workout and do 2 burnout sets with medium weight.

      Try that for at least a month and see how things pan out. Let me know how it goes!


  5. Hi Cutty, after doing this program and seeing great results i have flatlined, just like Matt up there. I’ve tried the de load and it didn’t seem to help for very long, I was thinking of switching to your 4 day intermediate strength program…. Or am I passed that already?

    1. Switching to a more minimalist program or something like the 4 day program might be a good change of pace for you.


    1. A minimalist program would be something like a 3 day workout, 3 sets of 3 on the power lift and a couple of assistance exercises built specifically for you.

      Monday – Squat 3×3, Stiff leg DL 4×8, Hack Squat 4×8
      Wed – Bench 3×3, Close Grip Bench 4×8, Incline DB 4×8
      Fri – Deadlift 3×3, 1 Arm DB Row 4×8, Lat Pull Downs 4×8

      Very minimal, in and out quick, heavy weights, etc.


    2. Thx cutty, so u think that would stimulate some growth? I’m used to going 5-6 times a week cause I love it, it may make me crazy but it could be I over trained…. I like to look in half decent shape, but my strength endurance is most important for work.

    1. I know more elite athletes that train 3-4 days a week than I do that train 5-6 times a week. Without PEDs you can’t recover enough and you hit walls.

      Strength training builds muscle and helps you lift heavy ass weight. It’s a good change of pace and I think even running 8-12 weeks will help a lot.

      With strength training you can go up to 90 seconds or so, it’s more important to “be ready” for the next set, but walking around texting or talking to someone isn’t going to help you get anywhere.


    2. Thanks a lot dude, I’ll give it a try for a bit… I may add some shoulders in there tho, it’s my second favorite! I think I can speak for us all when I say we really appreciate all ur advise, and aside from the personal satisfaction of helping like minded people, I hope ur gettin compensated…. Lol thanks for everything dude

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Every routine I write is either being run by someone or one that I have or would run. Adding in some extra shoulder work would be okay but don’t go overboard with it.

      The arms and abs get hit with all of the big compound lifts, adding in a couple sets of isolation would be okay but most people are having great results without adding in a lot of extra isolation work.


  6. Just tried the 4 day power workout, I feel great dude. I think u were right, I was over training. Took the last 4 days off. Ate n slept. The last workout calls for 2 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on 1 day off. And I wasn’t following it correctly sometimes doing 4 days in a row, adding excercises, ect. This time on “off days ” ill do cardio (target HR or HIIT) and abs. Thx for everything dude, ur advise has gotten me great gains in strength as well as decrease in BMI.

    1. Glad to hear man.

      You’d be surprised how less is more. A lot of this “workout every day” and super high volume stuff is spread around but in all honesty it’s meant for people on PEDs, not naturals.


    2. Well Cutty, it’s been a while. I have been sidelined by a neck injury. I talked to my PT yesterday to see when I can get back in the gym. She said I can lift, but my days of picking up and putting down heavy ass weight are pretty much over. No Bench, No Military, minimal squat and deadlift. I have no Idea what to do in the gym now. Any recommendations on how to adjust my workout so I can still build muscle without aggravating my injury (Compressed nerves and degenerating discs). I have been out of the gym over a month and looking in the mirror is starting to piss me off. I asked her to help me compose a work out routine, but she didn’t get it. When she mentioned the Smith Machine, I stopped listening. I will gladly take any advice you may have.


    3. I’m sorry to hear injuries are getting the best of you and your training. I have a machine only workout that you could try and see how it works out. If you like it or want me to make something else I can see what I can come up with.

      Get better man.


    4. I’d rather do 50-60% with free weights and DB than use the machines. I’ll just have to take it easy for the next 6 months. I am going to take the 4 day work out and decrease the weight, increase the reps and keep things minimal. In and out, plenty of rest. I may not be able to compete with the big boys any more, but at least I’ll still be there.

    5. also, she recommended that i focus on upper back strength, but I need to avoid shrugs. What lifts do you suggest?

    6. Good deal I didn’t know how limited you are.

      I would do face pulls every day, it really hits your upper back and traps.


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