Despite on whatever your take on plant foods may be, they are perfectly healthy ways of improving one’s health if incorporated into the everyday diet.
What is even better is that one does not have to completely change their diet and make it a pure plant diet to see the benefits, which include digestive regularity, better cleansing effects, and better complexion, less food packaging and increased energy production and clarity.
Below is a compiled list of the top 10 plant foods to add to your diet.
1. Coconuts
The young coconut varieties are one of the best natural hydrating foods that exist today.
Its water is known to contain natural electrolyte, which has a better capability of hydrating the body than any other nutrition drinks in the market.
Better yet, its hydrating component provides a good match for what the human body already produces.
Other nutritional components of coconuts are healthy fats that help to lower the level of body cholesterol, improve the working of the brain and the heart, and fight diseases.
2. Leafy Greens
It is next to impossible to say that your body has had enough greens to last a lifetime.
The reason is that leafy greens such as kale, collards, spinach, chard and beet greens have very high nutritional value.
Some of the health benefits that come with leafy greens include high levels of Vitamin C and E, antitoxins, enzymes and amino acids.
They taste much better when eaten as salad.
3. Seaweeds
These include wakame, kelp, arame, and nori which are extremely rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, and iodine all of which are important for the human body. They tend to improve the functioning of the liver.
4. Fermented Vegetables
These are otherwise known as cultured vegetables and are easy to digest. In addition, they contain a full package of healthy nutrients including enzymes and probiotics.
They can be used in salads, soups or in rice and/or beans.
5. Blueberries
This is not a food per se but a fruit, which according to many specialists contain much more nutritional value than any other fruit.
They are rich in antitoxins, fiber and improve the working of the brain.
They can be eaten one by one or used with salads and yoghurt.
6. Pickles
As unbelievable as it sounds, this is actually one of the best sources of probiotics essential for the human body.
The less commercialized green pickles are much better in terms of nutritional value.
7. Poi
This is not a very common plant food but is very popular in Hawaii as it is the staple food here.
Poi is a cooked and mashed taro plant which is pasty like and has high nutritional content.
Apparently, it contains more beneficial bacteria than yoghurt.
8. Chocolate
Raw chocolate is highly rich in magnesium, antitoxins, and serotonin, which helps to reduce stress levels.
The benefits of raw chocolate decrease considerably when processing and/or chemicals are involved so take advantage of it while still raw.
9. Bee Pollen
This is a plant that contains over 40% of protein content hence is a rich source of energy.
It is also quite easy to consume. Use it in salads, smoothies or better yet, eat it whole.
10. Chia Seeds
One of the major benefits of chia is that they are rich in protein content and are easy to digest.
Thanks to their ability to expand and absorb liquid. They also help manage weight loss effectively.
The best quality about these top 10 plant foods to include in your diet is that they have a whole lot of nutritional benefits.
What’s even better is that one only has to consume a very little quantity each day in order to enjoy several health benefits and they’re delicious.
Also, having the EHIC Card helps one to cover the costs of treating food related diseases that can be avoided by consuming the above plant foods in little quantities each day.
This is a guest post written by Stacy Eva. Stacy is a Health Advisor to many Communities and a Blogger as well. She is well known for her Health Articles on Web. As of now she is working as a content manager for EHIC Card.